
Everlasting, Neverending Game Night

🌈🚀 Reliable wonder engine. I make narrative role-playing games that imagine a weirder, queerer, more connected world.

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getting up the mountain

Hi Reader, How are you? Please, come in. Have a seat. I'll take your raincoat. The weather's been all over the place lately. These innocuous-looking white flowers on the table are bloodroot. Don't break the stems—the sap is poisonous. What a sword & sorcery flower. Last week, I went to GAMA Expo as a Horizons Fellow. "GAMA" is the Game Manufacturers' Association, and "GAMA Expo" is a professional conference of retailers, publishers, and distributors. The Horizons Fellowship is part of GAMA's...

Three enamel pin designs: A is a flaming sword and crown, B is a saber with heart and crown, and C is the Defy the Gods logo

Hi Reader, Welcome back to game night. I'm briefly out of the smithy—Udo has to bury all the bronze swords in the backyard for that weathered look, so the ball's in his court. Still, I've been busy. I'm working on enamel pin designs. What do you think? Can you tell what B is? I've also been publicizing the game. I contracted with a consulting company called LaunchBoom to help me, because I don't know from marketing. Little did I know it would drop me into the crossfire of tabletop games...

lapis blue sorcery dice with gold numbers breaking through into the world

Hi Reader, [heat, banging] Welcome! Please, come in. I'll be right with you. Just need to stick this blade in the quenching bucket ... [steam, hissing] There we go. Whew! It's sweaty in here. Put your coat wherever. No, not there, that's hot. Why is our game night in a smithy? I've been working on Defy the Gods. Turns out, in a sword & sorcery game, there are a lot of swords. So, thank you for coming to my workshop while I continue to hammer away. But look what I've turned out! I've scheduled...

the six character types in the game

Hi Reader, Welcome! Happy New Year! Please, come in. Let's shake off that snow. Make yourself at home. The candles on the table are set up for Hanukkah. Tomorrow night's the eighth night—the big one! I haven't had you over for a while because I've been heads-down in the text for Defy the Gods, trying to finish it so I can hand it off to Rue Dickey, the copy editor. Now that the Christmas brouhaha is over, I'm putting every spare hour into this. I'm preparing to launch a Kickstarter for Defy...

six characters from Defy the Gods: the Sword, the Sorcerer, the Sailor, the Vessel, the Wolfling, and the Revenant, all by Thalie Shelen

Hi Reader, Welcome! Please, come in. Let me take your coat. Can you believe it snowed today? None of it stuck, but still. I've got a saucepan full of hot chocolate in the kitchen. Mugs are in the cupboard. So. Some wild things happened since we last met: I went to Big Bad Con in San Francisco, where I spent time with some of my favorite people, ran Defy the Gods, and met folks who will help me finish the book. I also went to U-Con in Ann Arbor, and I made the hard decision not to go to PAX...

raccoon with eyes closed, one finger up to shush someone, wearing headphones with a disconnected cord

Hi Reader, Welcome back. Please, come in, sit down. We have a little brisket left over from Rosh Hashanah if you want some. It's really good. "shhh ... this is my favorite part." Red Raccoon Radio, the podcast for Red Raccoon Games in Bloomington, Illinois, just dropped a new episode, and I’m in it! You can catch it here. We talk about Raccoon Sky Pirates—a natural fit for them!—and my next game, Defy the Gods. Hear me in the hot seat, answering "Why should people be excited to hear from...

a smiling man puts on a grim, metal mask

Hi Reader, How are you? Please, come in, sit down. Dry off. Lately, it's like all the rain we missed in the summer has come at once. This summer, I heard from an old friend about a disastrous game she played. Her gaming group had just introduced a buddy of hers to role-playing. After enjoying their first campaign together, her buddy wanted to GM the next one. So he did. For a year. It turns out that in the first campaign, Buddy bristled against its safety tools—lines, veils, a certain amount...

Bert from Mary Poppins playing as a one-man band, covered in raccoons

Hi Reader, How are you? It's been a long time! Two whole months. It was the height of summer, all sun and runaway flowers. Now the locust trees are draping our local park in thousands of tiny golden leaves. I scooped some up on the dog walk, and I've spread them across the table. Blow on them if you need room. This summer, I went to Gen Con. Then I started a new job. After getting to concentrate solely on games for over a year, I went back to owing someone 40 hours a week. It swallowed me...

Hi Reader, Welcome! Please, come in. Have some fizzy water. It's so hot outside. A neighbor gave me a bouquet of zinnias—they're in a jam jar on the table. Do you ever check out—dissociate—when you should be concentrating? Time you urgently need tickscdcr5t by and by. And then you realize you're doing it, and you feel like you're falling into quicksand? No? Just me? Then have you ever felt the opposite? You suddenly find yourself dialed in, not just mentally but emotionally? And something...

Hi Reader, Welcome! Please come in. It's been raining out, and the air smells clean. Here on the table, a tall glass bottle has a stalk of creeping bellflower. Apparently it's a noxious weed, but I admire weeds. They just don't care where you think they're supposed to be. They're irrepressible. Last week, Thursday through Sunday, I exhibited at Origins Game Fair. And I have to say, I love this con so much. The people, the vibe. Everyone’s excited to be there. I met tons of new queer people....