
Everlasting, Neverending Game Night

two-day shipping on raccoons and a jukebox musical

Published 4 months ago • 1 min read

Hi Reader,

Welcome! I'm glad you're here. Come in, warm up. We've got a full-court press against the cold: one pot of hot cocoa and another of Earl Grey tea. And here, a warm, fuzzy husky waiting to lean on you. He's shedding these days, so you'll have an extra insulating layer of dog fur on you by the time you leave. I apologize on Udo's behalf.

I can't believe this is my first game night with you since the New Year. Where does the time go?

But exciting things are happening!

  • Raccoon Sky Pirates is on Amazon! I'm waiting for the raccoons to spread out through a two-day shipping warehouse and pack themselves off with someone's mini-fridge.
  • I'm building a new website using Shopify.
  • I gave a presentation about Defy the Gods on Showcase Zero, a sort of round-up of games in development for a great playtesting community called Playtest Zero. There are some sharp people there, thinking big game-design thoughts.
  • I got several rounds of great feedback on Defy the Gods, and I'm working on the draft I'll make public.

And, In the "happening now" category, my friend Lyla Fujiwara, who's the developmental editor for Defy the Gods, is launching a Kickstarter tomorrow for her karaoke role-playing game called Jukebox!

You and your friends star in a musical of your own making, and you belt out numbers to define the turning points in your shared story. It looks like a lot of fun. Dicebreaker even listed it among the top RPGs coming out this year that you should play!

Fortunately for me, you don't have to be a good singer to have a good time with it. 😅 I'm looking forward to it!


P.S. If you buy Raccoon Sky Pirates on Amazon, please leave a 5-star review! It greatly helps how visible the product is on that weird site.

P.P.S. Here's the link for Jukebox again!

Everlasting, Neverending Game Night

by Chris Sellers, they/them

🌈🚀 Reliable wonder engine. I make narrative role-playing games that imagine a weirder, queerer, more connected world.

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